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Dear Friends,

I trust that you have had a wonderful "liminal week" (what I call the week from Dec 25-Jan 1) and that you are filled with a new resolution that when the next "liminal week" rolls around you will eat less of whatever is your kryptonite (in my case, less Christmas cake!).

Joking aside, I pray that your 2023 is one that is filled with hope and fresh resolution to live more fully into the Good News of God-with-us.  We need each other on this journey and I'm grateful that we're the type of parish in which you offer that support to one another!

This Epiphany season let's keep our parish in prayer as we prepare for the challenge of calling a Parish Council/Search Committee. If you feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit in that direction please talk to me, Rev. Lorie, and/or the Wardens. I am confident that we are in a good position to discern the right path of our parish in the next couple of months but we can't do it without your prayer and participation as you are able and according to your various gifts and callings.

Here is something from Rev. Lorie for this Epiphany season:

Fridays @ 10 am Healing Eucharist – Sanctuary in the sanctuary

Followed with 10:30 ‘Circle of Grace’ – a spiritual practice gathering. Coffee/tea provided.

Starting Fri. Jan. 27, Feb 3, 10, 17

“Come… Listen…” This four week journey is an opportunity to deepen into the spiritual practice of listening prayer. Together we will learn about discerning the voice of God, preparing our hearts for listening, and listening prayer as a path to inner healing. "That is prayer - listening to the voice of the one who calls you "beloved." - Henri Nouwen

Facilitated by Katherine Murray. Katherine is passionate about connecting with God and spiritual transformation. She loves to create sacred spaces where we can be still and know that God is within and all around. Katherine is a spiritual director and retreat leader. She has been accompanying people on their spiritual journey and facilitating opportunities for spiritual formation for fifteen years.

Let the Light shine!

Fr. Allen Doerksen